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Wiki-en veut du vieux:)?
Bienvenu dans le Forum (et for Femmes:)!) des 'wikinenveut'Smile!
On y discute de tout les sujets, concernant l'exclusion, le droit des pères, l'écriture et l'art en général, mais surtout et sinon de Linux et des Logiciels Libres et des NTIC, par et pour les gens de R.2000:)!
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» Comment retrouver le mot de passe root d'une machine:(?
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Passe ton temps sur F.B.:)? Empty Passe ton temps sur F.B.:)?

Message  Micau Lun 17 Aoû - 17:46


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Message  Micau Mar 18 Aoû - 13:11

A pas mieux à faire le Papy, genre bosser et peut-être promouvoir quelques trucs du LL, comme Tweeter, par exemple:)?



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Message  Micau Mar 18 Aoû - 13:16

Hello, new Twitter-er!

Here is your account information.

* Your username: *****
* Your profile:*****

Using Twitter is going to change the way you think about staying in touch with friends and family. Did you know you can send and receive tweets (Twitter updates) via mobile texting or the web? To do that, you'll want to visit your settings page (and you'll want to invite some friends).

* Activate Phone:
* Invite Your Friends:

The New York Times calls Twitter "one of the fastest-growing phenomena on the Internet." TIME Magazine says, "Twitter is on its way to becoming the next killer app," and Newsweek noted that "Suddenly, it seems as though all the world's a-twitter." What will you think?

Biz Stone and The Twitter Team

Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter. For general inquiries or to request support with your Twitter account, please visit us at Twitter Support.



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Message  Micau Mar 18 Aoû - 13:21

Tout est là, et il y a bien du monde:)!



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Message  Micau Mar 18 Aoû - 13:24

Et la communautée des utilisateurs en est particulièrement active:)!



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Message  Micau Mar 18 Aoû - 13:45


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Passe ton temps sur F.B.:)? Empty Liens vers le FB et ce que j'y fais:)!

Message  Micau Mer 19 Aoû - 17:07


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Message  Micau Mer 19 Aoû - 17:08

Family Tree by Familybuilder
Hello from Familybuilder,

We just launched a brand new application called Family vs. Friends! In just minutes, you can create a fun quiz and invite your family and friends to take it. Who knows you best - your family or your friends? Compare their scores to find out!
Check out Family vs. Friends >>

-- the Familybuilder team



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Passe ton temps sur F.B.:)? Empty Mais aussi sur Tweeter:)!

Message  Micau Mer 19 Aoû - 17:11

Mais aussi sur Tweeter..... Smile!

'Hello, new Twitter-er!

Here is your account information.

* Your username: Mezig75
* Your profile:

Using Twitter is going to change the way you think about staying in touch with friends and family. Did you know you can send and receive tweets (Twitter updates) via mobile texting or the web? To do that, you'll want to visit your settings page (and you'll want to invite some friends).

* Activate Phone:
* Invite Your Friends:

The New York Times calls Twitter "one of the fastest-growing phenomena on the Internet." TIME Magazine says, "Twitter is on its way to becoming the next killer app," and Newsweek noted that "Suddenly, it seems as though all the world's a-twitter." What will you think?

Biz Stone and The Twitter Team



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Passe ton temps sur F.B.:)? Empty Liens vers le FB et ce que j'y fais:)!

Message  Micau Mer 19 Aoû - 21:34

Exactly et j'aime assez ça:)!

Mais je suis en gang avec des membres de ma famille à travers le monde :
pour M.W.

et un nouveau cherche à se joindre à nous, il ne manque plus qu'une personne pour avoir la taille critique de 15 et ça va le faire:)!


Dernière édition par Micau le Mer 19 Aoû - 21:46, édité 1 fois


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Message  Micau Mer 19 Aoû - 21:44

J'ai envoyé un energy pack au nouveau, mais alors que j'étais persuadé que si j'étais déconnecté on ne pouvait pas m'attaquer, j'ai été attaqué par un jeunot dans le jeu.., mais peut-être que je ne sais pas encore jouer avec les allertes - qui doivent correspondre à ces fameux 'freeze', que j'ai des fois:)!

J'enquète et je vous dit ça tout à l'heure:)?

J'ai envoyé divers cadeaux à mes preux combatants et surtout à la fille de Marion, avec un petit mot de congratulation... ; et ce bien que la diplomatie ne soit pas mon truc, je n'ai eut aucune arrière pensée, puisque j'ia fait la même chose pour Michael, ainsi que pour le nouveau, qui n'est pas de la famille:)!

Mais j'aime bien cette fille, elle a l'air très énergique et c'est la fille de ma très chère cousine, aussi:)!



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Message  Micau Mer 19 Aoû - 21:56

Merde le temps de me connecter déconnecter et d'attaqueur un tout petit gang, j'ai de nouveau pris une veste et surtout j'étais avec le nouveau qui m'a l'air de s'y connaître bien plus que moi en fait:)!

Mais je ne comprend pas la moitié de son anglais, vu qu'il écrit en style SMS, mais en anglais ; je crois que c'est un indous ou un skrylankais ou quelqu'un de ces pays là : appelé Dr, quand-même:)!

Bon je laisse la machine se recharger sans être connecté, selon la doc que j'ai trouvé dans les FAQ de la liste et je me reconnecte d'ici un moment, mais vais passer en MP avec le Dr, si possible:)!



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Message  Micau Jeu 20 Aoû - 16:35

Mais toujours bien penser à la sécurité avant tout:)!

F.B. est la plus grosse application communautaire du monde et celui qui pîquerai ls données afférantes à presque 300 millions de comptes et de profils serait le roi du monde du commerce par internet...Sad!

Voyez bien tout ce que vous pouvez faire comme au :

entre autre:)!



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Passe ton temps sur F.B.:)? Empty Les ficelles de M.W.:)!

Message  Micau Sam 22 Aoû - 2:39


Welcome to Mafia Wars!

We’ll try to go over some basic aspects of gameplay here to make sure you know
how to own the back alleys and streets of your crime empire.

Crime Jobs
A mobster's gotta work! Crime jobs are a great way to earn cash and experience,
especially when you’re getting your start. Some jobs require certain items,
properties, or mafia size to complete. New jobs become available as you progress
through the game by completing jobs, earning cash and expanding your mafia size.
Use that cash to buy the tools you need to perform bigger and better jobs for a
bigger payoff.

Staying Alive, Stay Fighting, Stay On Top!
In order to do anything from picking a job to picking a fight you need to
maintain your health, energy and stamina. You need your health to stay alive in
fights and to avoid getting knocked down from a sucker punch. You’ll need your
energy to complete jobs and should you get nabbed by the cops – to break out of
jail! You’ll need stamina to keep fighting. Earn cash and experience by
performing jobs and picking fights! You need experience points to move up to the
next level and become a more powerful criminal.

Hit List
Check here to find out who’s got a bounty on their head, and make sure you’re
not one of them! A successful hit will earn you a nice cash reward. Keep in mind
being a bounty hunter will earn you easy cash, but every other mafia will be
able to view the same Marked Men – first come, first served. You can place a
mark on most players in your same level range from their Mafia profile as long
as you’ve got the stamina and the money to pay out for a bounty.

Real estate is a great way to earn quick, steady and reliable cash and street
credit. Owning properties is where the real cash is at! Properties generate
recurring income that can be used to finance your criminal activates. The more
properties you own, the more money will continue to roll in.

The Bank
The streets are rough, and rival mafias are everywhere. You can safe guard your
cash at the bank, but after laundering and the bank’s cut, you’ll lose about
10%. But better lose it to the bank than on the streets because during fights,
you can’t lose money you have in the bank!

The Godfather
Any made man knows that when you need a little help, you go to The Godfather.
He’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse. The Godfather can assist you by rise
quickly through the ranks by giving you cash, energy or more members power up
your mafia fast. You can help The Godfather out by donating or filling out
offers. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to return the favor...


* If you purchased reward points with your credit card or Paypal: Fill out a
Support Ticket
* If you have completed offers with Super Rewards and you are missing the
points have to send a request to them for help. In order to do this you will
need to go to the Points page and click on "Missing Points". This will display a
list of offers that you have clicked on. Find the offer that you believe you
completed and click "Missing these reward points". In the form that comes up
paste the confirmation email that you received for completing the offer. They
will then process this request and award you the points if they find that you
completed it.

The Hospital
Every now and then you’re bound to get caught up in a back alley beating or
drive by shooting. When you’re feeling down and low on health, visit the
Hospital to pay off the doctor to get patched up and back on the streets, and
off the books.

There's a war going on outside! Fight it out with other Mafia Families for honor
and fame. It's your family versus theirs: each member of your Mafia is armed
with the best offensive and defensive weapons you've got and same deal for your
opponent. You should try to have at least one offensive weapon, one defensive
weapon, and one vehicle for each member of your family. Pick fights to win cash
and bragging rights on the streets.

Where you buy and sell items. Shows the items that are available and the
quantity you own. More items become available as you progress through the game.

Your Mafia Members
In Mafia Wars, you're only as strong as your family. Mafia members are essential
for doing jobs and fighting other families. If your Mafia is low on members, you
can recruit more.

When you gain enough experience to increase in level, you are awarded upgrade
points that you can use to improve your character's attributes.



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Passe ton temps sur F.B.:)? Empty Liens sur M.W.:)!

Message  Micau Sam 22 Aoû - 2:40


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Passe ton temps sur F.B.:)? Empty Ce que j'aurai gagné en point à M.W.:)?

Message  Micau Sam 22 Aoû - 2:42

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Below is a list of your recent offers. If you have completed an offer and have
not received your Reward Points, our customer service team can help you.
Important: please make sure you have allowed enough time for the offer to
credit. When you do contact us, be sure to copy the text from the confirmation
email you received for the offer, as proof that you completed it.
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