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Quelques notes de Zinga-ga:(? Some treads of Zingaga:(?

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Quelques notes de Zinga-ga:(? Some treads of Zingaga:(? Empty Quelques notes de Zinga-ga:(? Some treads of Zingaga:(?

Message  Micau Dim 13 Déc - 12:34

As there is a real and i think totaly 'orginized' mess on Zingo-go, i relay in some a way, some - i think they are realy...Smile!- humoristic's notes offer by the proprietary company who 'made' that play..., who made it just to work as few as possible..., cause their interrest is only to have as many as possible, commercials profiles to collect and to trade, to others and special on line commercials compagnies, that's all:(!

Once U have realized that, all the rest of the stuff, is wankering thoughts and other childishs will:(! U are consummers, destined to buy, use and spent and your time and your monney on that fake game, only in the destiny to privide commercials comportements and shape, of your own to increase, the commercial domination of somehow, alresdy very ritchs and who manage already our poor bloody world and we can see the results...., and that's all:(!

If U have time.., and todays as U have to be on strike against Zingo-go's dictat of un-hability to do that they are moraly in charge to offer...Sad?, U may find and see, an film on what's is the 'real' financial world and who leads effectively our rather scenics, but/cause almost only specialy made or based only on fakes.. world:(! U'll be astonished and maybee 'll see it on another way.., maybee much radical..;, but quite nearer reality, than most of U seems to be and/or seems to do...Smile?

That's all i whish U today, friends from all across the world, MW mobsters and all the others.... , maniaco-drepressed if our reason of life.., a virtual one reason's, is out of date.., as they aren't interrestedd anymore in it...Sad! Mind Farmville users, are real consummers..., i mean like in usual life.., and that's the only interrest of compagnies who probably sponsored such indirect marketing's studies...Sad! Mind we are only labaratory's rats.., thus i have sawn some rather nice ratten, i would like to have somme words and more with... Smile lol? as we'll be runing in our 'dedalus' room test...Smile! lol again:)?

(...) 2 continue...Smile?



Messages : 375
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2009

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Quelques notes de Zinga-ga:(? Some treads of Zingaga:(? Empty Re: Quelques notes de Zinga-ga:(? Some treads of Zingaga:(?

Message  Micau Dim 13 Déc - 13:08

I just found that and coppy it here for information.... Smile!

'Mafia Wars Earlier this morning we experienced intermittent page load problems that may have affected your game play (specifically, the ability to see your entire Mafia). Zynga’s Network Operations team quickly responded and brought additional servers online to restore normal game play. Read More at :

I wen several times on their bloody wiki, who stink as much as MW games in fact and where U can always write something.., in lost time, cause noone read it and noone keep it update.., but U'll ahve discharge a little of your natural frustration.. ,adn next time u'll connect U, or U'll be remove, or anywhay it's so big and our of date, in some corners than no time to loose, U'll leave that too..."(!

U/we are only consummers, doesn't have said it 2 U...Smile!

So buy, use your credit card, gives as many $ to that mess, and particularly, close your big mouth.., cause mind it well, she's only destined to consume shiting grubs sterilized and modified through genetics.., among others topics of interrest.. for them...Sad!
How do U think, we are much and much concerned by constant increase of cancers and the fact than much and much mens of the 'cropt-belt' were found in fact finaly totaly steril'.. as exposed too much to chemical products all the year long ; that from your Midle-West part of USA to the equivalent part of Canada too:(!

Mind it, search the information and follows some ot the things U found, by using your intellect...Smile! We are actors.., well in a very little part, i know...Sad, in the future of our realy poor world:)! So manage to reject and act against too false informations - called also desinformations:)!-, used by and for some bad-willing persons, who have enough times, financial powwer and contacts, to pay ethen very much to falsificate some realities in promoting only theirs own interrests, offenly very far from truth and ours commun interests..Sad!

(to continue..Smile?)?


Messages : 375
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2009

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Quelques notes de Zinga-ga:(? Some treads of Zingaga:(? Empty Re: Quelques notes de Zinga-ga:(? Some treads of Zingaga:(?

Message  Micau Dim 13 Déc - 13:26

A cross link put on that page at :
on Zingaga's tribune of the users of their bloody game:(!



Messages : 375
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2009

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Quelques notes de Zinga-ga:(? Some treads of Zingaga:(? Empty I promote in fact, soma adds-on as :)!

Message  Micau Dim 13 Déc - 14:15

Spocktholm, something.., who was very usefull till some days ago, when Zingaga, went on not to solve theirs numerous problems.., but to stricktly restrict the usage of anything else thant their messy system.. Sad!

Spockholm Mafia Tools Repeat Gift and the Mafia Gift Linker updated. Enjoy multi gifting again. (Could be a bit buggy, do tests before trading high level loot). Gift Linker:


So tihey stinks and in more their are stupids, as witch best advertissments thant a community, who try to improve a game they are totaly found of.., and 4 free, in more:)!

Mind as manage B.G. 4 his stinky OS, initialy 'rob's' to G.Kildall, and that among many others well known facts.. mind to read how he manages S.Job's Apple original environment, to have.. a 'Windows' of his own..Sad?

Well U see what i mean, i hope... ? So despite all that and only to be sure to promote his mess, he nearly gaves licences to all an everyone, or so.., that only to be sure than no other OS 'll be around and survive, his dictatorial campain'Sad!

How does Zinga-ga, who found so many Zingo-go.., we are...Sad?

They pretendly offer us a giand non interractiv and write in a prehistoric amalgam of particularly heavy and slow languages.., a kid aged ten, could do 300% better and faster one...(:! But that only and be sure i'm right, to have many stupid consummers, who boughts stupids gifts, unusable anyplace else and whom powers are lime..Sad!

And then, last but not least.. : their activity target to have a huge and as hugest as possible data base of users ; DB, they can use to promote some articles.., advertisments and in fact commercial non-solicitated offer, in the way, they are only a front office a big group of commercial traders:(!

(to continue...Smile?Smile?


So if i may say so - but else it'lln't change anything 4 me... :
'Zinga-ga' foud their 'Zingo-go'.., us:)?
- No? So made a journey to 'Go more'.., U know it's near by 'Sodom'...Smile!
(Beware i can ethen worse jokes than one..., i advise U:)!' lol?



Messages : 375
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2009

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Quelques notes de Zinga-ga:(? Some treads of Zingaga:(? Empty Re: Quelques notes de Zinga-ga:(? Some treads of Zingaga:(?

Message  Micau Dim 13 Déc - 14:35

But out of Zinga-to ( that's mean cake, in french, for the joke../(!).., there's FB, wher U can find some interresting or at least who'll make U smile a little in your hard day of work... pages, as this one at :

I already talk about some times ago, but everytime, sho offer me some breack in the day, and i do loves the sight of our brother, quite less concern by any other topics out of assuring their survy of the day.., and then, I realize, we are very few, to have little problems, in front of that:(?

Tells me what do U think of that, if concern and anyway, goes to that link, as i insure U'll have at least one smile time by time, and a smile or a laught is sayed to value a steack...Smile! So in some of that places, if theire are happy in fact thei can't starve of hunger:)? That's particularly fine, no:)?

(To continue:)?.. thus:(!



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Date d'inscription : 23/07/2009

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